
存 Publishes Its 2020 Annual Report 创新建筑师

By 存管连接 Staff | 2 minute read | 4月il 14, 2021

2020 was a year like no other in recent memory. 对存, it meant confronting an unusually wide range of issues over an extended period of time while continuing to deliver high levels of client service, prioritizing the well-being of employees and maintaining focus on executing the firm’s long-term strategy.

存刚刚发布的2020年年度报告, 创新建筑师,记录了这段非凡的时光. 在线, interactive report recounts 存’s performance in a variety of formats – text, 信息图, video – and from a diversity of perspectives. 在致持份者的信中, President and CEO Mike Bodson attributes 存’s success in meeting the year’s challenges to “the trust our leadership team places in one another, our ability as an organization to collaborate across areas and our commitment to empowering teams to respond decisively in a rapidly changing environment.”

Market volatility was a defining feature for the industry in 2020, with 存 processing record-breaking volumes seamlessly. The firm also collaborated with clients to manage the risk arising from volatility and stayed in close contact with regulators and with firms experiencing stress.

在这非凡的一年里, 存 balanced its short-term response with its long-term commitment to shape the future of the global markets. The pandemic intensified some client priorities, which will help guide 存’s ongoing innovations, such as its API marketplace to give clients open access to data and services. “We embrace our role as architects of innovation,博德森写道。, “knowing that every action we take must ensure a better experience for our clients and a better future for our industry.”


存 set several new volume records in 2020. 公司处理了2美元.3万亿美元的证券交易, 比2019年上涨近8%, 3月12日, 它击中了一个新的, 单日峰值3.63亿美元.S. equity transactions — more than two-and-a-half times that of an average processing day.

This unprecedented level of activity translated into record revenues of $1.90亿,6亿.比2019年增长8%, after payment of a rebate to Depository Trust Company (直接转矩) clients, 这是两年内第二次这样的退税. Revenue from 存’s SIFMU businesses was $1.2910亿,退税前,上涨9亿.6% year over year, while 解决方案 business revenue was $607 million.


存 continued to drive product innovation in 2020. Fixed Income 清算 Corporation’s (FICC’s) Sponsored Membership service, which enables clients to use a centrally cleared platform for repo trading activity to reduce counterparty risk and provide balance sheet and capital relief, grew as the number of Sponsoring Members more than doubled.

NSCC completed the re-engineering of night cycle processing to increase night cycle settlement rates by 15%, another step in building the foundation for an industry move to T+1 settlement by 2023. 存 also further diversified its default liquidity resources for NSCC through the inaugural issuance of $3.8 billion of senior unsecured term debt in 3- and 5-year maturities.

The company’s transaction reporting solutions grew significantly to meet expanding regulatory mandates. Its SFTR solution enlarged the client subscriber base to more than 500 dealers, 代理贷方和买方公司, and 存 built a single-vendor platform for clients’ pre- and 帖子-trade reporting of derivatives, MiFID II and SFTR by acquiring and integrating Publicis Sapient’s 合规 Management Reporting System (CMRS) into 存报告中心.

存 launched several new products and services, including the Risk Management as A Service API. The Insurance Information Exchange creates consumable business intelligence from the millions of insurance policy records that are processed daily. 存 咨询服务 offers strategic guidance to RDS and ITP clients to help them optimize their business operations, mitigate risk and reduce costs as they address regulatory compliance challenges around trade reporting and 帖子-trade processing.


存’s work to build innovative industry solutions for a digitizing future included the launch of two key initiatives in 2020. Project Ion explores accelerating settlement to T+1 and T+0 on a digital platform using distributed ledger technology (DLT) and other emerging technologies, while Project Whitney considers the potential for asset tokenization and digital infrastructure to support private market securities.

访问存 2020年年度报告 点击这里.



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