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Systemic Risk Mitigation Should Be Front of Mind in Technological Innovation

By Michael Leibrock, 存首席系统风险官兼交易对手信用风险负责人| 5分钟阅读| 3月6日, 2023

新兴技术为全球金融体系带来了巨大的希望和利益. Distributed ledgers, 例如, 可以用来验证和跟踪分布式和去中心化平台上的交易吗, 为今天的集中式支付基础设施提供一个令人信服的替代方案. More specifically blockchain, a type of distributed ledger technology (DLT), 能否提高现有国际支付系统和基础设施的效率. 支付行业是一个很好的例子,说明技术如何帮助增加客户对金融系统的访问,同时利用创新的支付工具增强用户体验.

毕竟, 新技术正在显著改变社会和vnsr威尼斯城官网登入行业开展业务的方式. 最初, 许多金融科技的发展侧重于通过创新技术增强现有能力, 比如云, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and machine learning. 今天, 金融科技应用正在寻求从根本上改变交易对手之间的互动方式, 例如 by using distributed ledgers, smart contracts and digital assets.

Addressing New Risks
尽管有多种当前和潜在的用例,但没有任何新技术应用程序是没有的 风险. 首先,全球金融市场的相互依赖或相互联系 should be front of mind when considering new technology implementations. Recent events in the 加密行业强调了蔓延到金融部门和实体经济的风险增加.

事实上, 金融稳定委员会(FSB)最近的一份报告表明,加密货币与加密货币之间的相关性 asset prices and mainstream equity indices have been steadily increasing. 与此同时, DLT的使用, while minimizing some 风险 and providing efficiencies, simultaneously increases the number of points of potential failure, as well as the risk of data breaches, hacking and other types of third-party risk. According to 存’s most recent Systemic Risk Barometer survey在美国,网络风险构成的威胁被认为是vnsr威尼斯城官网登入业的三大风险之一. 自2013年首次开展这项调查以来,它一直被列为最大的风险之一, 在越来越多地采用新技术解决方案的背景下,行业面临着相关风险, this trend is only likely to accelerate in coming years.

还有一些其他的影响因素需要加以处理. 例如, 模型, including AI-based 模型, have contributed to faster and often better decision-making. 然而, 在前所未有的情况下,过度依赖主要根据历史数据和事件校准的模型可能不太有效, exogenous shocks occur. 例如, the Covid-19 pandemic led to widespread deficiencies in credit rating 模型, 由于历史上稳定的基本信用风险因素和宏观经济变量的错位,产生了不可靠的违约概率估计.

另外, 过度依赖高速处理和输出决策可能导致错误, lack of transparency, and underpin unintended biases. 此外, conflicting national priorities can also impede cross-border data sharing, 在打击网络恐怖主义和金融犯罪方面的妥协努力——这两个问题都在上升. 最后, 社交媒体平台和在线论坛的使用可能会对市场波动和风险产生负面影响, 在低成本的数字平台和券商上实现无摩擦的零售金融参与, 例如, contributed to the 2021 meme stock event.

Increasing 监管 Focus
全球监管机构和政策制定者越来越认识到技术驱动的市场弹性风险,并一直在采取措施,加强行业对模型风险管理的关注,并鼓励行业合作. 在美国.S. 例如, White House executive order 2022年3月发布的《vnsr威尼斯城官网登入》,重点是保护消费者和投资者,确保金融稳定. This was followed by multiple related reports issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, including the digital asset, financial stability, 金融稳定监督委员会(FSOC)发布的风险和监管报告,重点关注加密资产风险,并概述了可能对稳定构成威胁的监管缺口和市场风险. Given significant risk events in the crypto markets of late, it is likely that legislative activity will accelerate this year.

Ensuring Thoughtful Innovation
当我们展望未来, 任何新技术实施所带来的风险都不应阻碍全球vnsr威尼斯城官网登入公司的创新战略. 而不是, 应鼓励企业在踏上创新之旅时遵循三项指导原则, 以确保他们的服务持续为客户提供最佳价值和最大利益.

First and foremost, any development of digital solutions, including those covering digital assets, must begin with a strong client and industry-centric approach. 客户端 benefits must be clear and tangible, backed by customer engagement, industry support and proven hypotheses. 新的或增强的解决方案应该允许行业优化整个价值链, or key components of it, to achieve cost and operational efficiency. 第二个, 任何新技术计划都应该提供与现有基础设施和解决方案相同或更高的弹性. 最后, 鉴于金融市场生态系统将继续快速变化, 所有参与者和市场提供者必须做好及早和经常调整的准备, and focus on creating the most flexible long-term solution, not the only short-term solution.

毫无疑问, emerging technologies offer many benefits, 使消费者和机构更容易获得vnsr威尼斯城官网登入和服务,同时降低参与成本和其他效率. 然而, 今天, many of these benefits have yet to be fully realized despite great promise, and we have already seen some significant, unexpected 风险 arise as a result of new technology implementation.

迄今为止的证据表明,审慎创新和系统性风险考虑之间的平衡尚未实现. 政策制定者和监管机构应迅速采取行动,在全球范围内推动实施适当的防范措施和最佳做法, 并确保任何新技术计划提供与现有基础设施相同或更大的弹性. 这个行业, 市场参与者和监管机构应继续共同努力,避免出现追求快速创新的局面, and the desire for speed and convenience, 我们破坏了上次金融危机以来在缓解系统性风险方面取得的进展.

This article was originally published to PRMIA’s Intelligent Risk 2023年2月.

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