

By 存管连接 Staff | 5 minute read | October 21, 2022

存与杜克大学的 普拉特工程学院 帮助学生沉浸在科学中, 技术, 工程, and mathematics (STEM) through hands-on internships with 存’s Internal Technology Research & 创新团队.

在杜克大学领导这项努力的是 Dr. 吉米·伦茨, Executive Director of the Master of Engineering in Financial Technology and Master of Engineering in Cybersecurity at the 普拉特工程学院, 他在哪里教授机器学习和区块链, and leads the Digital Asset Research and Engineering Collaborative. 在从事教育工作之前, he held senior management roles within the financial services industry for more than 25 years, including leading an NYSE broker dealer with foreign and domestic operations, Chief Risk Officer and Chief Credit Officer at a top three broker dealer, and the Head of Predictive Analytics for one of the largest wealth management firms in the U.S. 

存管连接 赶上博士. Lenz to find out more about 存’s partnership with Duke University:

DC: Can you tell us why it’s especially important for your students to have this type of internship and work experience before they graduate?
This is such a big question, it’s hard to know where to start. 存 occupies a vitally important role in the global financial ecosystem. Yes, I did say ‘global’ as this role crosses boundaries around the world. I came up through the financial services industry, having a solid understanding of 存’s role in the industry. For our students to be able to gain experience with 存 puts them at a distinct advantage as they look to move into the workforce.

多年来, 存 has embraced emerging technologies and leveraged their capabilities to create new offerings, 这两点对我们的学生都很有吸引力. 除了, the team at 存 possesses a diverse set of skills, 背景, and perspectives -- something that is good for students to see and experience firsthand.

DC: The 技术 landscape in financial services continues to rapidly evolve and many firms are on digitization journeys. What do you see as the major, near-term opportunities in this space?
I have seen new 技术 embraced more and more in financial services. Something that remains constant in this industry is managing risk – more specifically understanding risks and knowing when to take them. 例如, implementing new technologies can be seen as risky, 在vns6060威尼斯城官网方面, 时间, 颠覆与回报. Understanding each of these elements and weighing them against the possible returns is paramount.

我看到了数字资产, and the underlying blockchain 技术 as a near-term opportunity, there are some fascinating topics in the digital asset space that are just beginning to be explored. A few other opportunities are around data and thinking about better ways to collect, 传播和储存. Cyber resiliency will become table stakes in the not-too-distant future. 也有更新的计算方法, 比如量子计算, that will no doubt become more and more plentiful.

Related: Quantum Computing: How It Stands to Impact Financial Security

DC:在存实习的时候, many of your students worked on projects that use artificial intelligence, exploring capabilities including chatbots and synthetic data. What do you see as best-fit use cases for this 技术 to solve industry pain points?
JL: As these tools become more prolific – and trust me they will – there will be a bigger need for more people who understand how they work, 如何使用它们,也许呢, 最重要的是, 如何解读结果. The opportunity for students to work with these types of tools on real world problems is the path for solving the pain points you mention. Students with the technical and financial wherewithal are uniquely equipped for this as they are not only extremely talented but are also very inquisitive. Coming full circle to what I mentioned previously, they are often willing to take risks that others may not because of their experience gained.

DC: What can we expect going forward for the Duke Pratt partnership with 存?
JL: 存 recently presented at one of our Master of Engineering in FinTech seminars, and later this winter will be speaking at the 数字资产@Duke conference. 除了这些短期事件, and the future internships and full-time employment for students, I would love to explore some research and maybe co-development opportunities. 存生成了数量惊人的数据, which is the life blood of research and development, and I really can’t think of a better partner to work with on such an endeavor than 存.

DC: As we wrap up, do you have any final thoughts?
市场将继续增长, 无论我们谈论的是数字资产, 像cryptocurrencies, 或者更传统的资产,比如股票, 债务和衍生品. Traditionally industry and academia have resided primarily in their own spaces. 但是随着更多的人, 像我这样, 进入学术界, the time is right to fully leverage opportunities provided by both sides of this equation. My hope is that what 存 and Duke have built here becomes not only a path forward for our continuing partnership, but also a model that can be leveraged by other financial services companies and academic institutions.

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Dr 吉米·伦茨 - 杜克大学执行董事, Master of Engineering in Financial Technology and Cybersecurity
Dr. 吉米·伦茨

杜克大学执行董事, Master of Engineering in Financial Technology and Cybersecurity

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